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school enrolment time

She Wrote Her Own Name

Just recently, it has felt like Hope has just started “getting” things and one of those things, is understanding her name. Hope not only knows what her name is, but she can spell it, sign it, and even write it and while it’s something that she’s been working on for some time, it felt sudden and unexpected when I realised that she could actually do it all.

sleeping hope

Just A Little Thing

After a busy day, I noticed something unexpected that made me smile. It was a small moment, but it showed me just how much Hope is growing and understanding her world.

lincoln hope alexander

4 Years Of Growth

“There is a high risk of Down syndrome in one or both of your babies.” It was just over 4 years ago that we first heard these words said to us after about 4 weeks of uncertainty. It’s 4 weeks that we will never forget.

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