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school enrolment time
Dear Teachers…

Hope had her first orientation visit into big school this week. I could probably share a post on all the feelings that go with that, but I’ll save that for another day. Instead, I want to share another little poem. I started to wonder whether Hope realises that she is a little behind her class mates and if she knows that more effort is given to make sure she thrives. It’s likely that at this point, she knows no different, but one day, she will. So this is something I wrote to those educators that have not only been there for her at daycare over the past few years, but it goes out to all the future teachers she will have in years to come.

Dear Teachers…

Dear teachers, I know sometimes I might fall behind,
I can wander off track, making me hard to find.
I know I might stop when we’re doing a task,
Or get lost in my thoughts and forget what you ask.

I might stop to look at everything I see,
Then forget where I’m going, because I’m just being me.
Sometimes my mind dances, and then I dance too,
And distract others from learning which I don’t mean to do.

I can’t always tell you what’s going on in my mind,
And get angry when you don’t understand what I’ve signed.
There’s so much inside that I want you to know,
My words are still coming, they’re just a bit slow.

I see the big smiles and the patience you share,
And I feel your support every day that you care.
You’re right there beside me, while giving me space,
To learn and work at my own special pace.

Sometimes I want to do tasks at full speed,
While other times it’s more and more time that I need.
But thank you for helping and waiting for me,
For cheering me on, allowing me to be me.

So here’s a big hug, from my heart to yours,
For the laughter, the love, and the hope that endures.
You teach me so much, in all that you do,
And I’m so very grateful to have teachers like you.


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Hope's mum, a lover of dancing and singing, enjoys quiet moments amidst the hustle and bustle of family life. She works hard to ensure her kids are well taken care of, while also serving as a team manager during the day and managing the Raising Hope Designs website in her spare time. She is dedicated to seeing a brighter future for children with Down syndrome, advocating for acceptance and love every step of the way.

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